RMI X Forms
RMI X Transfer on Death Form 
RMI X Unit Redemption Form 
RMI X Compound Quarterly Election Change Form 
RMI X FA Change Form 
RMI X Direct Deposit (ACH) Form 
RMI X Change of Address Form 
RMI X Asset Transfer Form 

There is no longer a fee associated with the asset transfer. However, to be in good order all documents including Trust Documents (at a minimum the first four pages and the last four pages), Certificate of Death (if necessary-legible copy is acceptable) and other relevant documentation or instructions need to be included. Remember, all custodial accounts need to be processed through the custodian. The custodian will need to mail the documents to Vistra USA, our transfer agent. The documents should not be sent to Redwood Mortgage.
- The Overnight Mail: (FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc...) address is: 125 E Sir Francis Drake Blvd. #401, Larkspur CA 94939
- The Regular Mail USPS address is: Vistra USA LLC, P.O. Box 2609 San Rafael, CA 94912-2609
The address is also located on the upper right of the form. Tracking info is preferred.
Custodial Accounts need Custodial Medallion Stamp Guarantee. Confirm with custodians to send directly to Vistra, USA, LLC (tracking info recommended)